BS Nursing Degree Philippines

BS Nursing Degree Philippines

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Why study BS Nursing in Southville?

SISC’s BSN program is a good fit for students looking for a 4-year Baccalaureate program that will prepare them for a career and equip them to be confident and responsive nursing professionals.

SISC’s BSN program blends the core spirit of our nursing traditions with new, innovative practice models of care that respond to the demands of a dynamic global landscape.

The instruction and learning process utilizes a concept-based cognitive structure, outcomes-based skills training, and value-rich transformative development.

The BSN program is run by competent, dedicated faculty members with rich and diverse professional practice experiences, who are fully supportive of upholding a nurturing and caring learning environment and embracing diversity.

These interconnected elements in our program model have led to sustained high levels of performance in national licensure examinations, and we have consistently produced Board Top performers over the years.

Our graduates have confidently passed foreign examinations and obtained certifications all over the world, opening doors to various opportunities.

SISC BSN graduates have embraced the vision of becoming lifelong learners and leaders with a compassionate heart for service, aspiring to make a difference.

MOOC/Course Certification

Southville Students are assured of receiving extra credentials for their future by taking the following certification/s.

  • Leading Healthcare Quality and Safety
  • ACLS Certification from Alison
  • The Science of Well-Being for Teens
  • Early Childhood: Motor and Cognitive Development

The Southville College Division is accredited by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA) and also granted Autonomous Status by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). Southville is home to celebrated personalities, medical practitioners, entrepreneurs, and community leaders, among others. Southville is the training ground of future Business Technocrats and World Leaders, anchored on the school’s 5Cs Curriculum.

1ST Year

  • National Service Training Program 1 
  • Biochemistry
  • PE 1 – Movement Enhancement
  • IC1: SISC Hallmarks
  • Mathematics in the Modern World
  • Theoretical Foundation of Nursing
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Understanding the Self Ethics
  • English Grammar Review 
  • IC 2: Values Development
  • National Service Training Program2
  • PE 2 – Fitness Exercise
  • Health Assessment
  • Health Education
  • Fundamentals of Nursing Practice
  • Microbiology and Parasitology
  • Purposive Communication
  • Living in the IT Era

2ND Year

  • Writing 1 (Business Writing)
  • Community Health Nursing 1 (Individual and Family as clients)
  • Nutrition and Diet Therapy
  • Pharmacology
  • Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent 
  • Ethics
  • PE 3 – Team Sports
  • IC3: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Relations (EQ)
  • Writing 2 (Academic Writing)
  • Care of Mother, Child (pediatrics) at Risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)
  • Bioethics w/ Rhetoric and Debate
  • Pathophysiology
  • PE 4 – Individual and Dual Sports
  • IC4: Achievers Core Training
  • Logic and Critical Thinking

3RD Year

  • Nursing Research 1 with Research Statistics
  • Care of Clients with Problems in  Oxygenation, Fluid and Electrolytes, Infectious, Inflammatory,
  • Immunologic, Cellular Aberrations (acute and chronic)
  • Community Health Nursing 2 (population groups and community as clients) COPARinitial and S-combinator
  • English at Work (TOEIC)
  • Art Appreciation
  • IC5: Leadership and Group Process
  • World Literature
  • Care of Older Adult (Geriatric and Palliative Care)
  • Science, Technology and Society
  • Nursing Research
  • Care of Clients with Problems in Nutrition, Gastro-intestinal, Metabolism, Endocrine, Perception,
  • Coordination, Reproductive/Gynecology(acute & chronic)
  • Care of Clients with Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior (acute & chronic)
  • IC6: Professionalism and Social Graces

4TH Year

  • Nursing care of Clients with life threatening Conditions, Acutely Ill/ Multi-Organ problems, High
  • Acuity & Emergency Situation
  • Nursing Leadership & Management
  • Readings in Philippine History
  • The Life and Works of Rizal
  • Competency Appraisal 1 
  • Nursing Informatics
  • The Contemporary World
  • Decent Work Employment and Transcultural Nursing
  • Disaster Nursing with IV Therapy
  • Intensive Nursing Practicum (Hospital & Community Setting)
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset / Personal Financial Management
  • IC7: 5Cs in the Workplace
  • Competency Appraisal 2

Message from the Program Director

Dean Carmel Villegas

Dean, College of Nursing

A contemporary nurse theorist, Patricia Benner, describes that clinical practice excellence should be based on perceptual awareness, sensitivity, and cognitive skills, among other things. I genuinely believe that the synthesis of empirical science and the art of caring makes nursing distinct from other health professions. To rely on empirical data when dealing with human physiology and scientific outcomes requires accuracy. However, in order for nursing interventions to achieve their best outcomes, care must be accompanied by genuine empathy and compassion. This requires one to be well-grounded in the humanistic/holistic attitudes of the profession.

Having been immersed in nursing practice for years, I realized the value of understanding situations and human conditions with ‘special lenses’. Generating clinical judgments drawn from a synthesis of contrasting perspectives has been shown to yield the best outcomes. Valuable insights drawn from engaging in the convergence of these seemingly opposing perspectives have presented me with new realizations, opened up unique options, and presented exciting possibilities in the nursing dimension.

At present, embracing this trajectory approach of blending dialectic perspectives provides a lens through which I see my role in nursing practice and nursing education evolve, with a sense of clarity and purpose. This adaptive mode of being careful and precise on one hand, and showing empathy and understanding at the same time, create an operative balance that I believe is a critical element in the formative process of students in the BSN program.

I realized that this deliberative analysis-synthesis way of thinking gradually develops from a learned process when tasked to make clinical judgments given varied challenging scenarios. This highlights the importance of embedding guided case study practice within a well-rounded, enriched curriculum, complemented with actually related practice experiences, steered by devoted teachers and mentors who are equipped with a strong grasp of broad-based experiences.

Guiding student nurses early in their preparatory levels by normalizing to the standards of thinking and deep learning, then further refining thinking habits by fostering and raising the level of student ownership in their learning, would be the focus of Levels 1 & 2. All these will be done concurrently with the delivery of foundational science-based concepts and principles through traditional didactic instruction. As the students begin to immerse themselves in related clinical experiences, they are provided with activities in actual patient care situations, where making clinical judgments is practiced. Classroom lessons structured within virtual case studies, challenging them to think through carefully, critically, and creatively with compassion, can reinforce this whole-brain training.

Student Testimonial

Southville has provided a solid foundation for my academic knowledge and clinical skills. The program and professors have been excellent in helping me develop a strong character and work ethic that has been beneficial in my career.