About Us
Members of the Board of Trustees
TREX Residence
Top International School in the Philippines
Offline and Online Facilities
Research and Publications
Among the educational institution pillars are research and community extension that encompasses outreach and other services that are geared towards community development. The Institutional Publications, Research, Outreach, and Development (IPROD) Center is in charge of three related institutional offices namely (1) research and development,(2) publications, documentation and communication, and (3) outreach and community extension. Two of the pillars of educational institutions are community extension (Outreach) and research and development in which the IPROD is mainly involved.
Publications 2011
Call for Better College Teaching
Implementation of HRM Practices
MOODLE: An Innovative Teaching-Learning Strategy … [Read more]
Social Responsibility
The progress of a nation depends on the kind of education it provides its people. Today, education is not only seen as a pivotal factor in the people’s national identity development; it is now seen as the main component of a nation’s advancement. Southville International School and Colleges recognizes that an educational institution is largely responsible for the future of its students but other students as well. SISC’s social responsibility efforts focus on education as a key to alleviating poverty.
Po.U.Ch. Program
The Prosperity Outreach for Underprivileged Children (POUCh) relies on active participation from Southville’s students, parents, faculty, … [Read more]
Partners and Affiliates
How to Get Here
Link to Southville International School on Google maps [click here…]… [Read more]