Danica Then: An achiever to remember -

Danica Then: An achiever to remember

“If you fail, do not be afraid to try again. It is always more painful to think of the things you did not do and if you succeed, stay humble.” –Danica Then, Southville alumna

Southville alumna Danica Then recently graduated Cum Laude from the University at Buffalo in the United States. She shared her success story with Jesselle Villegas from the Office of Public Relations.

JV: At what age and level did you start at Southville International School and Colleges?

Danica Then: Southville International School and Colleges was my first school. I’ve been in Southville almost my entire life, from Junior Prep all the way through Grade 11.

JV: Can you tell us about your student days at Southville?

Danica Then: It is such a joy to reminisce about my days in Southville. It was definitely a joyful and enriching experience. I was a Student Council Level Representative back when I was in Grade 8 and Grade 9 and I was an active member of our cheering teams during Intrams.

JV: What was an experience in school that you will never forget?

Danica Then: It is a difficult task to pinpoint only one experience that I’ll never forget as I’ve gained so many fond memories and experiences in Southville. But I think the experience that truly tops my list was when I became part of the Student Council for 2 consecutive years. It was such a great privilege to be able to serve my fellow students and to be able to work alongside my schoolmates from different levels. The campaigns and elections that took place were simultaneously nerve racking and fun.

JV: How did an international education from Southville prep you for studying abroad?

Danica Then: I believe that Southville has equipped me to be a critical thinker and this skill has tremendously helped me in my academic journey in college. Furthermore, I believe that Southville has provided us with a global environment where we were made aware of different cultures and the ways to respect and value each other’s differences. We were definitely not only equipped with academic skills but with values that really matter. These values in a sense, aided me in my transition when I studied abroad.

JV: How did you feel when you found out that you are graduating Cum Laude in college?

Danica Then: I really felt thankful for God’s unending grace and for the strength and wisdom He has given me because to be honest, I started college with the lowest expectations. Being the youngest in my batch, I started at University at Buffalo (UB) aiming to just pass but as the semesters went by, I realized that I was doing more than just passing. Therefore, as the events unfolded, I was left awestruck and thankful that I managed to in a way excel and graduate with Latin Honors.

JV: What Southville teaching will you always live by?

Danica Then: One Southville teaching that continues to resonate in my life is the importance of one’s character. No matter where you go or who you work with, possess a good character. It is one story to be just successful and another to be successful and be a good person at the same time.

JV: What is next for Danica Then?

Danica Then: I am currently transitioning to the corporate world and it has been a challenging yet thrilling season in my life. I plan to continue my studies in the future and perhaps to start-up my own business.

JV: What is your message to Southville students?

Danica Then: If you fail, do not be afraid to try again. It is always more painful to think of the things you did not do and if you succeed, stay humble. In a world filled with competitiveness, do not be sucked in. Only compete with yourself and strive to be a better version of yourself. You can do what you set your mind to and most importantly, know and have faith that you will thrive for you can do all things through God who truly strengthens you.