Lights, Camera, Action! -

Lights, Camera, Action!

Get to know Southville HS alumna Maika Someda, 3rd placer in the 2015 Peace in the Streets Global Film Festival held in New York, USA.

How did your interest in filmmaking begin?
A: My interest in film making started in my high school days when video projects are a part of our prerequisites. I remember making a video for my RVED 2 class and I received a positive feedback and high praises from my teachers for the video that I created. This impression inspired me to hone my talent in film-making.

What made you decide to set anti-bullying as the theme for your film, Circle of Violence?
A: I realize that a high percentage of children are being bullied everyday and suffer in silence without telling anyone. Bullying happens because people need to be in control of something or anything. There’s only so much forced submission humans can take before they need to establish some sort of dominance somewhere in their lives. This will always be directed at a “weaker” target. On the upside, confronting a bully and standing up for oneself more often than not will stop him in his tracks. However, I always believe that every action we do can create a bigger impact on the future.

Among all kinds of martial arts, why did you choose karate for your film?
A: Ever since I joined the Shishi dojo karate club of Southville in high school, karate has played a big role in my life. At first I joined the sport because I thought it was going to help me learn how to fight back, but it was more than that. Behind the physical training we endured, I grew a sense of what it meant to be disciplined, responsible, and be a leader. Our dedicated instructor, Sensei Leo, would always remind us of the motto “The secret of karate is revealed through the polishing of the heart.” That was where I got my inspiration for my film.

What do you want viewers to learn from Circle of Violence?
A; I want the viewers to understand that every action creates a chain effect and bullies are unaware of the consequences of their actions. There’s always a story behind each and every one of their behavior. We might not eradicate it to the fullest, but we can be our own heroes by saving ourselves and fighting back through peaceful means.

You are a graduate of Southville International School and Colleges. What Southville teaching do you always live by?
A: Southville always makes us believe that we can make a difference, I believe and continue to live by those words.

Which of the 5C’s (Competence, Character, Collaboration, Creativity, and Commitment to Achieve) speaks a lot about you?
A: I believe that commitment to achieve speaks a lot about me because whenever I set a goal in life, I strive to reach it. From the smallest goals like getting high grades in a class to the biggest dreams like setting up my own business, I am willing to accept any challenge because I know I’ll get there if I keep on trying. My mom always tells me “If you start something, continue and finish your goals, or you will never achieve anything.”

What is your advice to all student film makers?
A: Nothing is too small to be an accomplishment. When you have a dream, continue to aim for it wholeheartedly. It is also important to have a strong purpose on why you want to create a film, because that purpose will keep you moving no matter how many failures have brought you down. Lastly, always believe in your own abilities and don’t compare yourself to others. Every person has his own unique way to create a change in this world. Even if society rejects or ignores your ideas, keep on striving and never quit because one day you will surely reach your dream. Believe me, I’ve been there.

Interview by: Jesselle Villegas