College Students Commit to 5Cs of Success in Convocation

The 5Cs (Competence, Character, Collaboration, Commitment to Achieve and Creativity) Convocation was held last July 24, 2011 at Luxembourg Gym with the theme “5Cs in Action”. It was attended by about 200 students from the IC 1 – SISC Hallmarks and NSTP 1 classes.


Dr. Virginia Caneo, Dean of General Education, welcomed the participants and shared the importance of the 5Cs in enjoying and enhancing college life. Dr. Marl Ferenal, SISC President, gave inspiring thoughts about the relevance of the 5Cs in attaining success. Ms. Marie Vic Suarez, Basic Education Principal, shared the “10 Lessons We Learned from the Japanese People” during the tragic event of the tsunami. Ms. Ana Jimenez, Level Facilitator for BS Nursing, shared her views on developing Collaboration and Creativity in working towards excellence.


An open forum followed where students voiced their ideas and insights. Highlight of the program was the presentation of the IC logo by each class which is a collective version of the SISC logo. The SISC Management hopes that the 5Cs will serve as good guide for students as they go on with their college journey.