International Education: An Opportunity I Never Had – Andrew E

International Education: An Opportunity I Never Had – Andrew E

International curriculum is what I want for my kids because it’s an opportunity that I never had when I was young. Southville celebrity parent Mr. Andrew E has always dreamed of putting his children into an international to set the best starting point in their lives. As someone who came from a poor family, he took this experience as an inspiration to better himself as a person and eventually as a husband and father. Andrew E figured out that to achieve this, he had to be serious about the way he viewed the value of not just good but globally competent education he could give to his children. 

He came across Southville like it’s destiny, being surrounded by friends who happened to have kids studying in the said institution. It was that time he was particularly looking for a school that would meet his expectations and Southville was on top of his choices. 

He was particularly amazed by how the institution has been raising the bar for achievements not just for students but also for the institution itself. Andrew E did not second guess enrolling his kids at Southville. With the school getting various premiere and global accreditations and recognitions at an early age, it is no doubt that Southville is a cutting edge. Simply put that when a school has a competent attitude, the community follows. 

It’s not just one, not two, but three kids that Andrew E has entrusted to Southville. Fordy, Jassley, and Ichiro have been spending the crucial growth stages of their lives with the respective learning experiences they have discovered and loved. Fordy has been fascinated by programs relating to business, especially the school’s own Capital Market Learning Center (CMLC). He admires his father’s inclination towards financial literacy and everything about entrepreneurship. Jassley, his only daughter, has been touched by the school’s commitment to its social responsibilities through the Save the Poor Urban Child (Po.U.Ch.) program. She finds fulfillment as a young woman participating into Southville activities that aim to reach out to communities and people who are less fortunate. The youngest child Ichiro has been painting good learning experiences too being deeply involved in arts and crafts. With the school actively promoting a strong bond between parents and kids through activities like Painting with Mom and Dad, this is a part of studying at Southville that Ichiro has been enjoying the most. Southville’s student-centered curriculum distinctly manifests into the lives of Andrew E’s children as homegrown Southville students. 

Currently, the family has been faced with a greater challenge because of the pandemic that has been keeping Fordy, Jassley, and Ichiro at home. Yet Andrew E has rather seen this as a greater opportunity. “We’re always put together, even before the pandemic. It’s just that right now I get to have eight extra hours with them which they used to spend in school,” Andrew E concurred. While Southville’s strong parent-teacher collaboration remained outstanding as the family attest to the school’s deliberate transition to its Virtual Online Learning and Teaching (VOLT) program. The school’s core values , the 5Cs – Competence, Character, Commitment to Achieve, Collaboration, and Creativity have been a huge part of how Fordy, Jassley, and Ichiro respectively adjust to the pandemic. Fordy’s CHARACTER, Jassley’s COMMITMENT TO ACHIEVE, and Ichiro’s CREATIVITY thrived nonetheless. 

As to how the family would describe an AMAZING life Andrew E said, 

An AMAZING life is when you appreciate life itself by being basic.  Amazing as a coinage for example, you start with the first letter which is A apart from the alphabet, basically. Then here’s an exceptional institution amazing you and why you are amazed is because you are part of Southville. And indeed, it has been an amazing experience with Southville… as the school and its community live up to an AMAZING quality of learning side by side. 

Be Amazing. Be Southville. 

Watch here for the full interview: