Monarchs Awarded at the 2019 Model United Nations Locals, BUITIZON to resign as CHAIR

Monarchs Awarded at the 2019 Model United Nations Locals,  BUITIZON to resign as CHAIR

The 2019 Model United Nations (MUN) Locals was successfully held last September 20 to 21. Twenty-nine students from Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) participated comprising of new and veteran delegates for the Human Rights, EcoSoc, Security,General Assembly 1, and General Assembly 4 Councils . Among them are awardees Akisha Julianne Cu – Best Delegate from the Human Rights Council, Cuitlauzina Brianna Cerbito – Most Diplomatic Award from the Economic and Social Council, and David Jacob Ramos – Honorable Mention from the Security Council. Cu is in her last year under the International Baccalaureate Programme (IBDP) while Cerbito  and Ramos are in their first year in senior high school, both taking up Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM). The three have been joining the said conference for years, making them one of the well-recognized delegates each season. 

IBDP 2 student Lester Joseph Buitizon has declared retirement from the conference to focus on his last year and newly assigned position as the President of the IBDP Student Council. Buitizon is known as a well-rounded and fierce MUN delegate who has represented several councils over the years. “Lester has invested time and effort in doing MUN. I’m very proud that his experience as a delegate becoming a chair can be every delegate’s story of growth mindset and grit in their MUN careers. Southville MUN is a family. All the delegates put all their effort and hard work from researching to writing resolutions, and debates. Truly, the best delegate award is not only for those who advanced during the conference but for all those who did their best even if MUN is not their comfort zones,” shared Mr. Jude Cuntapay, SISC-MUN Delegation Director. Buitizon excels in History, Business, and English. Buitizon aims to take BA Diplomacy and International Relations in college.  

“I am grateful for our MUN Director, Mr. Jude Cuntapay, whom I consider now my (tor)mentor, my fellow delegates whom I now consider my family in Southville – Akisha Cu who was instrumental in destroying my very first resolution, and Sally Park who was one of the veterans that I worked closely within and out of the conference to name a few. MUN taught me that every problem we struggle with are not solutionless, and the first step to solve these problems start with one person standing up and speaking. Whether it is to start awareness about climate change in an Opening Speech in front of the UN General Assembly or solving a teacher’s question by talking in front of the whole class. MUN taught me to not keep these lessons we learn to ourselves but to share it with other people. Which is why the biggest challenge I’ve had with MUN as the Secretary General isn’t how to win awards or competitions but how I can help the other Southville students in the club grow and develop the diplomatic skill I know they have inside.  I will still participate in MUN events if I can but I can rest assured that the club will continue to be a growing family as the other delegates that have come to grow with me throughout these 3 years will stay and help out all the new delegates as I have before. My MUN journey has provided me sufficient leadership skills which I am sure will guide me as the new IB Student Council president.”Lester Joseph Buitizon

The SISC-MUN Delegates