Southville Alumna Tops Certified Human Resource Exam

Southville Alumna Tops Certified Human Resource Exam
“I believe that the core value Southville has, which best describes me is Competence. I do see myself as a very competent individual, inside and outside the school premises. I am also an extreme go-getter when it comes to opportunities,” said student achiever Coleen Natividad, remembering how Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) prepared her to become a future mover and leader of society.
Natividad’s accomplishments and milestones include being an awardee at the 2017 Ten Outstanding Human Resource Students of the Philippines 2017, a national nominee also at the 2017 Search for the Jose Rizal Model Students of the Philippines, a registered business professional with the Junior Achievement Philippines, Inc., a leadership awardee of De La Salle University-Manila’s 247th Naval ROTC, and a consistent Dean’s Lister. She is currently an EQUIP Management Trainee of Maybank Philippines, Inc.
A graduate of Human Resources at SISC, Natividad’s fondest memory of Southville was meeting new people from very diverse backgrounds. “Southville trained me to become a professional by enforcing guidelines in school, which are similar to what companies enforce in their premise.”
Her message to future Human Resource students is to be people-centered. “We must learn how to interact with people and solve problems with them. Human resource is multi-faceted, which requires a lot of commitment. One step to committing oneself in the field of human resource is to be serious about studies. Never take for granted the education that Southville is giving you. Also, read on current events about human resource. It will surely give you an edge because these are added knowledge that you can incorporate with your studies.”