Reading is a life-long skill that a person needs to succeed as a student and as a professional. Through reading, individuals have the opportunity to learn about people, times, and ideas that they may never actually encounter in life. Reading can also bring a lifetime of pleasure and mental activity.
One of Southville International School and Colleges’ (SISC) focused program in Reading is the Comprehensive and Intensive Booster for Efficient Reading (CIBER) for all Grades 6 & 7 students. In the CIBER Program, the participants learn to use a range of skills and strategies in the process of reading to comprehend what they read. It allows them to make connections between their own and others’ experiences, to inquire systematically, and to access, analyze, synthesize, and critically evaluate information.
The program will run Monday – Friday, from 2:30 – 3:30 pm, until July 25, 2012.
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