SISC BSN Students Join the World Health Organization’s Hand Sanitizing Relay -

SISC BSN Students Join the World Health Organization’s Hand Sanitizing Relay

Cinco de Mayo (‘Fifth of May’), a popular Mexican festival had a different meaning for our BSN freshmen students who were invited to join the fun Hand Sanitizing Relay sponsored by the Infection Prevention and Control Committee of Asian Hospital & Medical Center (AHMC) last May 5, 2015. It was a health campaign by the World Health Organization’s international movement to strengthen the critical role of hand hygiene in reducing healthcare associated infections (HAI). This special activity brought to focus the efforts of the College on highlighting the culture of safety in patient care. Southville International School & Colleges, College of Nursing and AHMC have been collaborative partners for many years now. Nursing students and faculty have benefitted from the training workshops and seminars provided by this reputable, JCIA accredited hospital and in turn graduates have made AHMC as their choice for career employment.