Southville Commemorates US Memorial Day -

Southville Commemorates US Memorial Day

College of Business Dean and Southville Director for Public Relations Dr. Jerry Aguilar joined US Ambassador Harry Thomas, US Embassy officials, foreign ambassadors and dignitaries, the American Association of the Philippines, major service commanders of the AFP, DND officials, and the Veteran’s Federation of the Philippines in the recently held US Memorial Day at the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.

Dr. Aguilar expressed, “Southville recognizes the importance of this event as this is a reminder of the bravery of Filipino and American soldiers who fought together for our freedom. This is also what we do at Southville— Collaboration. We make things happen by working together.”

The US Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day which remembers the fallen soldiers who died in the service. It was officially proclaimed on May 5, 1868 by General John Logan in his General Order No. 11 and was first observed on May 30, 1868 at Arlington National Cemetery in the United States. All US citizens celebrate the occasion with a sense of gratitude for those who paid the price for the cost of freedom.