Southville Holds Substance Abuse Prevention Seminar -

Southville Holds Substance Abuse Prevention Seminar

Knowing that education is the best deterrent against substance abuse, Southville International School and Colleges’ Discipline Office recently held a Substance Abuse Prevention and Awareness Seminar last for Grades 8 – 11 students.  Invited as facilitator was Dr. Bernard M. Regalado, Head of the Drug Testing Laboratory of Asia Pacific Medical and Diagnostics, Inc., and accredited physician of the Dangerous Drugs Board.

SISC’s combination of preventive education, strict monitoring, and nurturing environment has kept the campus drug free, and safe from this social problem.  The school also adheres to Republic Act 9165 or The New Dangerous Drugs Law which provides for random drug testing of all high school and college students in public and private schools, and conducts random bag searches to deter bringing and keeping of prohibited items.