Southville Invites Students for its Science Week -

Southville Invites Students for its Science Week

Southville International School and Colleges (SISC), together with the Philippine Foundation for Science and Technology, cordially invites grade school and high school students to participate in its forthcoming Science Week on March 1-4, 2011.
The first day of the weeklong program will feature a lecture forum in Biology and the opening of the interactive Science Exhibit provided by the Philippine Foundation for Science and Technology. The exhibition comprises of twenty attractions including a Van De Graff Generator. Expert tour guides will explain the underlying scientific principles behind these exhibits.

On the second day, there will be a lecture forum in Physics and an Understanding by Design (UbD) Training for Science instructors. UbD is an increasingly popular tool for educational planning that focuses on “teaching for understanding.” The session will be conducted by Ms. Beng Yague, the Vice President for Allied Schools of the Southville Global Education Network, who received her formal training in UbD from the United States. Certificates of Attendance will be issued to participants.

Science challenges and tasks and sports competition await participants on the third day utilizing the Spaghetti Bridge, Trebuchet, Water Rocket, and Chronojump. Each school may enter one team of students per challenge.

The culminating activities include a lecture forum on Green Chemistry and the Science Olympiad where interested schools may send one team for High School and one team for Grade School. Each team must be composed of four members from each level.
The event aims to highlight science as a fascinating and relevant subject that permeates all areas and walks of life. Dr. Richard Hartmann, SISC Director for Academic and Special Events, remarks, “Science shapes the future. It teaches us to think about thinking, to respect evidence and opinions of others, to be honest and open-minded. All of the aforementioned are the basis of responsible citizenship.”

For more details regarding mechanics, guidelines, and registration, interested participants may call 825-6374 local 130 and look for Dr. Richard Hartmann or Mr. Christian Gabriel.