Southville plays Santa to PoUCh -

Southville plays Santa to PoUCh

More than a hundred PoUCh (Poor Urban Children) beneficiaries received holiday cheers during the Save A PoUCh Christmas Party held recently. The party is Southville International School and Colleges’ (SISC) yearly commitment to the beneficiaries so they will have a feel of the season of love and sharing. In this simple but meaningful activity, the poor urban children can continue to hope no matter how dire circumstances can be. The children played parlor games, ate party food, and received presents of toys, food, and hygiene products donated by generous students, parents, and friends of SISC. They also presented special numbers and participated in a community singing to truly feel the essence of Christmas. Launched in 1990,the Save a Poor Urban Child (P.O.U.Ch.) program is an outreach program that addresses the daily nutritional and schooling needs of poor but deserving school children. Currently, the Save a P.O.U.C.H. has helped about 300 students every year totaling to around 16,000 children from five adopted schools.