Southville Senior Prep Students Amaze Crowd -

Southville Senior Prep Students Amaze Crowd

“It’s a joy to see our students express themselves through interpretative reading. The stories are given life as they read,” said Ms. January Guttierez, the Deputy Principal of Munich Campus, in the recent Readers Theater of Senior Prep Students.

As part of the school’s strong thrust to develop fluent readers, Senior Prep Students in Star and Munich Campuses had their annual Readers Theater last January 8, 2016. They read famous tales that have interesting and funny twists with Senior Prep – Aqua reading The Three Little Pigs, Senior Prep – Amber interpreting The Little Red Hen, Senior Prep – Lime performing The Gingerbread Boy, and Senior Prep – Peach staging The Three Billy Goals Gruff.

Readers Theater is an oral reading activity that invites children to “become” the characters in their favorite books and stories. It is a staged reading of literature with participants reading from scripts, conveying the book’s story using voice and facial expressions.

The annual Readers Theater in SISC’s Early Childhood Education Division offers an innovative opportunity to acquaint the children with quality literature, develop their public – speaking skills, and teach teamwork in an activity that is as entertaining as it is educational.