Creativity in the Media Center: COMMA Students Pitch Short Film Ideas to Industry Professionals -

Creativity in the Media Center: COMMA Students Pitch Short Film Ideas to Industry Professionals

3rd year students from the Colleges of Communication and Multimedia Arts recently had the opportunity to showcase their creativity in front of respected film industry professionals last February 6, 2018 at SISC’s Media Center.

Indeed, as part of a final project for Sir Mike Manansala’s Video Production class, the 3rd year students were asked to pitch three different short film proposal in the following categories: Horror, RomanceComedy
and Drama.

The pressure was quite high as they were judged by 4 prominent film industry practitioners. Two of them were notable Alumni who both have successful careers in the film industry: Nicolo Lopez and James Ocampo. Both of them were joined by Benedict Mariategue, owner of Equinox Manila as well as Joshua Luis Uy, owner of Cross and Arrow production.

Although panelists were intimidating, they all took the time to give advices as well as constructed criticism to the students in order for them to concretize their ideas. Not only that, but they will also advise the students throughout the whole production process, from pre production to post production and come back during finals exams to judge the movie.

With that said, students will surely be able to come up with exciting outputs. We can’t wait to watch the short films! Watch out for it!